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Checkout API


This API is under active development and subject to change.

TrueMed lets customers seamlessly pay for certain items with their FSA or HSA accounts. Our Checkout API supports both one-time purchases and subscription-based products.

Once a user enters our checkout experience, we'll build a digital health profile & partner with a medical provider to generate a Letter of Medical Necessity that covers the purchased item.

After successfully charging the user, we'll redirect them back to your site. Here's what we need from you:

Checkout Flow

When a customer checks out with TrueMed, create a CheckoutSession using our API and redirect the user to its custom URL.

your server should use our API create a CheckoutSession & redirect the user to a URL specific to that CheckoutSession. Once the user has built their digital health profile & we've determined their eligibility & processed the payment, we'll send some webhooks to your backend & redirect the user to the URL you specify.

sequenceDiagram actor C as Customer participant B as Your Backend participant T as TrueMed C->>B: Check out with TrueMed B->>T: Create CheckoutSession T->>B: CheckoutSessionId, RedirectURL B-->>C: redirect C->>T: TrueMed Portal T-->>B: Webhooks for status updates T->>C: Redirect to success_url B->>T: Subscription Management

1) From your backend, send a POST request to with information about the purchased items (request details here). In response, you'll receive a redirect_url and a checkout_session_id.

2) Redirect the customer to redirect_url so they can complete payment via the TrueMed portal.

3) Upon success, we'll redirect the customer to a URL of your choosing.