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Pre-Qualification Widget

This product provides clarity to your customers that they'll be approved for HSA/FSA reimbursement before they make a purchase at your store.

Image of widget:

the truemed qualification widget

Video of Customer Experience:

Installation Instructions

  1. Obtain your public qualification id from the Truemed team (it will begin with tm_qual).

  2. Embed the following HTML on your site (or in your html template files), wherever you want the prompt to appear. Make sure to replace YOUR_TRUEMED_PUBLIC_ID with the value obtained from step 1:

<div id="truemed-prequalify" style="font-size: 14px;" icon-height="12" data-public-id="YOUR_TRUEMED_PUBLIC_ID"></div>
<script src="" defer></script>

Feel free to change the font-size and icon-height to match your page's style.

That's it! You should now see the Truemed pre-qualification prompt on your site.