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Qualification API


This API is under active development and subject to change.

During a qualification session, a user will store their HSA / FSA card with Truemed and must pass our qualification survey (which is specifically tailored to your catalog of products & services).

After a user completes this qualification flow, your backend will receive a re-usable token that can be used to charge this stored payment method via an API call at any time.

Qualification Flow

sequenceDiagram actor C as Customer participant B as Your Backend participant T as TrueMed C->>B: Qualify for HSA / FSA spending B->>T: Create QualificationSession T->>B: RedirectURL B-->>C: redirect C->>T: TrueMed Portal T-->>B: Webhook for saving payment token T->>C: Redirect to success_url B->>T: Charge saved payment method T->>B: Success / Failure


  1. Use the API to create a QualificationSession & redirect the user to the custom URL.

  2. Listen for the webhook with the re-usable payment token

  3. Use the charge API call to create charges against the stored payment method at any time.