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Qualification Session


This API is under active development and subject to change.

Path: /v1/qualification_session

Send a POST request to this endpoint when a user is ready to get pre-qualified for HSA/FSA spending. We'll respond with a custom redirect URL for the user to qualify via the TrueMed portal.

Request Parameters

interface CreateQualificationSessionRequest {
secret_api_key: process.env.TRUE_MEDICINE_SECRET_API_KEY;
success_url: "";
cancel_url: "";
client_reference_id: "d5d62a5f-5a9a-4073-8fbf-d6f0e777e89d";
customer: {
email: "[email protected]", // Optional
name: "John Doe", // Optional
metadata: {
// Optional metadata. This will be included in the webhook events we forward.
id: "your_id_here",

Response Parameters

interface CreateQualificationSessionResponse {
redirect_url: "";
customer_id: "tm_8923DSFL23"; // TrueMed will generate this ID for the customer in question.